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We are currently running a Share Facebook Post Promo at the moment.
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(아래 내용을 한국어로 보시려면 여기를 클릭해 주세요.)
Hi guys,
Halloween is coming, and to celebrate the spookiest time of the year, we are opening a limited version of Mad World from October 30 to November 1 for PC users. We’re hoping it to be like a party where everyone can just relax and enjoy the time together trying on Halloween special masks.
How to launch the game
Click on the following link anytime during the event period. Share the link to all the friends you want to play with!
Game Link: http://halloween.madworldmmo.com/

A couple of things we want to inform you are...
It will be a limited version.
- What we have is still very raw so we don't want to make everything public yet. We want to reveal little by little through an event like this so that we can focus on a specific content and improve it as we go forward so we ask for your patience.

Battle Arena Modes (aka Battle Zone)
- Battle arena modes are something we are currently experimenting with, and we hope you can try them and let us know what you think. Press B anytime in-game and make a session or join one. Don't forget to press Ready if you're the session master!
Attack / Defense
1vs1 ~ 5vs5 PVP Mode / Destroy the enemy base while protecting yours.

Team Battle
1vs1 ~ 5vs5 PVP Mode / Reduce the enemy team’s HP to 0.

Let’s do PC first
- This Halloween event will be open to PC users only. Mobile users, please don't be disappointed because we’re thinking of doing more events like this for all platforms in the future.
The server is located in Korea so you may experience some latency depending on how far away you're from Korea. Sorry for the inconvenience it may cause.
The game will be in English. We are not native English speakers so some translation maybe a bit off. We will improve the localization so please bear with us.
Recommended Browser
When you launch the game with this link: http://halloween.madworldmmo.com/
we recommend you use Chrome as browser. However, if you notice frame drops on Chrome, please try on other browsers like Internet Explorer.
Black Screen
When you click on the link, sometimes you will see just a black screen and get stuck there. We recommend refreshing your browser which most of the times does the trick.
Alright then, we hope to see you at the event!
Event Schedule: October 30 to November 1
Start Game: http://halloween.madworldmmo.com/
I cant wait to play.