We attended W3C HTML5 Conference held in Seoul, Korea. As you can see below, we got a booth for free. (한국어는 아래에 있습니다.)

Not many people stopped by at the booth but quite a few people showed up at our keynote. There seem to be more developers who want to take a crack at HTML5 than say one year ago.

Here are the most common questions we were asked by the visitors in the booth.
1. What is the minimum requirements for the game?
- Note 3, and iPhone 5S. For PC, most PCs should run it fine.
2. Are you using Unity Engine to develop this game?
- No. We are using an in-house engine based on open source libraries and our own technologies.
3. Can I play this game on my smartphone? Yes.
- When is the game coming out? Late 2018.
4. I will try the game when it comes out. Yes, please!
5. Isn't the game vulnerable to hacking since everything's on the web? Not any more than PC games.
6. It looks like Ragnarok.
- Hm.... To be honest, we don't agree. Both are 2D MMORPG, but there the resemblance ends.
7. Art looks awesome.
- We are happy to hear this.
8. How to download the game?
No need to download. Just click a link.
9. How many people are working on the game.
- 15. Oh wait, two more people joined yesterday, so 17 now.
10. Jandi? Isn't that the Team Communication Application?
- We get that a lot. But we have no relation to the company whatsoever, but we heard they know of us.
11. Are there classes in the game?
No, it's weapon-based.
12. What is your target age?
- Judging from the data showing the demographic of the people who've visited our homepage...we would say people in their 20s~30s
13. I've played the Halloween version.
- Thank you!
14. I've visited the Facebook page.
- Thank you!
15. HTML5 is becoming a hot topic these days but we are yet to see a successful HTML5 game coming out of Korea.
- That's why it's important for Mad World to succeed so that we can open the door for other HTML5 devs in Korea.

(This part is for Korean readers)
오늘 서울에서 개최된 W3C HTML5 컨퍼런스에 참석하였습니다. 저희 부스를 들러주신 분들은 그리 많지는 않았지만, 잔디소프트의 윤대표가 HTML5와 MMORPG 개발에 대해서 강의를 했는데 생각보다 많은 분들이 와주셔서 HTML5게임을 개발하시려는 분들이 많다는 것을 느꼈습니다.
다음은 부스에 들러주신 분들이 주신 질문들을 기억을 더듬어서 적어보았습니다.
최소 사양 어디까지 돌아가나요.
- 노트 3, iPhone 5S를 기준으로 움직이고 있습니다. PC는 왠만하면 원활하게 돌아갈 예정입니다. 유니티로 만든거죠?
- 오픈 라이브러리와 자체 기술에 기반한 엔진을 쓰고 있습니다. 핸드폰으로 플레이 가능한지.
- 네, 가능합니다.
언제 출시하나요.
- 2018년 후반기가 목표입니다.
출시하면 해볼께요.
- 감사합니다.
해킹에 약하지 않나요?.
- 기존 클라이언트 게임과 비슷한 수준인 것 같습니다.
라그나로크 느낌 나네요.
- 2D 게임인 것 이외에는 잘 모르겠습니다. ^^;;
그래픽 좋네요.
- 감사합니다.
요즘 국내에서 HTML5 게임이 많이 나오고 있는데 아직 성공을 거둔 게임은 없네요.
- 그래서 많은 책임감을 느낌니다. 성공하고 싶습니다! 다운로드는 어떻게 ?
- 다운로드하실 필요 없이 링크를 누르시면 실행됩니다. 팀이 몇명인가요.
- 15명인데 어제 2명 합류해서 지금 17명입니다. 그 잔디메신저 인가요.
- 아닙니다. ^^;; 어디서 들은 바에 의하면 잔디에서도 저희 회사 이름을 들어보셨다고 하더군요 ㅎㅎ 캐릭터 직업이 있나요.
- 직업은 없고 무기에 따라 캐릭터의 성향이 달라집니다. 할로윈 버전 플레이 해봤습니다.
- 감사합니다. 페이스북 방문해봤습니다.
- 감사합니다! 경품을 찾아 다니시는 할아버지들이 많았습니다. 점심. [불고기, 된장찌개]
Thank you! I think you are absolutely right as about 80% of them were developers (Mr. Yun asked them to raise hand if they were a developer) This is Jandi . They are definitely more well-known than us!....for now =)
I think that your booth looked great and it's a shame that not many people stopped by, maybe the majority were interested in the more technical aspects of HMTL5 and hence showed up more to the keynote, which is great.
Is Jandi, the "Team Communication Application" another company? Sounds similar to JANDISOFT and I can understand the confusion. It's giving you both more publicity, so I guess it's a good thing. :D