Hey guys, this is JandiMan. Hope you liked what you saw in the last blog. Picking up from where we left off, we want to give you a bit more details on Pet in today’s episode.
Please note that Pet System is still work-in-progress, and subject to change in the future both aesthetically and game-design wise.
Inspired by Tamagotchi, we want you to feel like you are actually with a living breathing pet in-game, with which you get emotionally-bonded as you spend more time with it.
Jump! Jump! Good Puppy! XD
Each Pet in Mad World comes with one of the several base personalities as a cub. Depending on how you train it via Stable Master, and tame it through pet-related quests determines its appearance and the type of skill sets it will have when it’s fully-grown, not to mention its royalty to you.

We are considering adding several different types of creatures with different backgrounds in addition to the wolf one you see here.
If your Pet spends more time training combat, it will grow up to become more aggressive and have a set of more offensive skills, whereas if it spends more time traveling, it will grow up to become a speedy type. What type it ends up being will change its appearance as it becomes an adult.
Run like the wind!
It will express hunger or thirst, in which case you need to feed it with food or give water. This kind of action is related to your pet’s royalty point, which will impact the summoning of your pet. The less the point is, the less likely it will show up when you call for it. If it hits 0, your pet will leave you for good.
Eat well my friend...
When you ride on it, you will be able to use Pet skills while using your character’s own skills will be limited. Off the ride, you will be back to fully using your character’s skills with your pet supporting you nearby with its skills.
Again, Pet System is subject to change in the future but hopefully this will give you an idea of where we want to go with this.
There you have it. What did you guys think? You are always welcome to let us know your thoughts on our social media. ( Facebook, Discord, Twitter )
Thank you for the read, and we will see you guys in the next episode!
Mike aka JandiMan